Emperor and Sultan – Neighbors in the Middle of Europe 1600-1700

Baden State Museum, Karlsruhe

The Great National Exhibition “Emperor & Sultan – Neighbors I Europe’s Center 1600-1700” is dedicated to the historical and cultural interconnections in East-Central and Southeast Europe and presents about 320 Ottoman and Ottoman-influenced exhibits.
The exhibition focuses on the civilizational innovations that emerged in the shadow of imperial politics and religious conflicts: Innovations in architecture, art and fashion or the innovation of new technologies.
The great theme of the Bridge over the River Drina forms a parenthesis for the entire exhibition.

Badisches Landesmuseum

In cooperation with sTudio211 and buerofuervisuelles

Credits: © Badisches Landesmuseum, ARTIS – Uli Deck, Bruno Kelzer kerlzer.de, Felix Becker, Monika Richter, Ulrich Schwarz